Our Story

At Zolasina, our story begins with a simple yet powerful vision: to make a difference in the world through purposeful creations. We have a desire to contribute positively to society and embody a brand ethos centered on crafting a better world for all.

Our garments are not just clothing; they're a manifestation of our commitment to enhancing lives and safeguarding the planet. Thoughtfully designed with the utmost care, we prioritize natural fibers such as Tencel, bamboo, silk, and other high-quality materials renowned for their hypoallergenic and biodegradable properties.

We understand the importance of skin health, especially for those with conditions like eczema or atopic dermatitis. That's why we extensively incorporate Tencel lyocell fabric, renowned for its hypoallergenic nature and gentle touch, allowing the skin to breathe freely without irritation or discomfort.

But our dedication doesn't stop there. We meticulously ensure that our styles are free from harmful pesticides or formaldehyde, common triggers for skin flare-ups. With Zolasina, you can trust that every piece you wear is not only stylish but also conducive to the health and well-being of your skin.

Beyond skin-deep care, we are unwavering in our commitment to sustainable, safe, and ethical practices. We champion eco-friendly initiatives within the fashion industry, striving to leave a positive impact on the environment and future generations.

At Zolasina, our garments aren't just a fashion statement; they're a testament to our unwavering dedication to creating a better world—one stitch at a time. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and compassionate future.



Naima Bashir, Founder & CEO